Nazimgarh Resorts in Sylhet

On December sixth I launched a trip to Sylhet to stay at the Nazimgarh Resorts in Khadimnagar and Lalakhal. I went to Sylhet with my parents and close family friends. We left Dhaka early morning by road on the sixth and arrived in Khadimnagar in the afternoon. The Journey was a six-and-a-half-hour trip by road for a distance of 251 km. After the long journey, it was nice to relax and stretch out in Khadimnagar where we were introduced to the resort with a welcome fruit drink. There are two Nazimgarh resorts in Sylhet, one in Khadimnagar, and another in Lalakhal. The resort in Khadimnagar is the Nazimgarh Garden Resort. The Garden Resort is set across six acres of landscaped hillside, where you can find dozens of varieties of mountainous flora along with a tea garden for the resort’s guests. The resort is inclusive of 35 luxurious rooms and suites. We visited in a lull time and were the sole guests of the resort. On-site, there are several activities including a pool, sauna, game...